Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My mother's daughter(s)

Not too long ago, I said to my sister, "You know, at one time in both of our lives.. we were like.. in the same place." I quickly added, "It's like.. when we were in Mommy's belly, we were in the same place. Don't you think that's kinda cool!?" To that, she rolled her eyes, told me I was being "creepy" and proceeded to walk away.

Whatever, I stand firm when I say that that fact is fascinating. I don't know, I just think that it's amazing how she and I were occupying the same cozy spot in my mom's uterus for like 9 months. That's a freakin' damn long stay! How is that NOT cool to think about? We came from the same place. We really have so much in common! We should have turned out kind of similar, right? Hahaha alright I know what you may be thinking.. But humor me.

I got into an argument with my mom today and out of anger I blurted that she preferred my sister to me. Of course she denied it, but uhmm HELLOOOO what mother wouldn't have? Hmmm.. Me thinks that that lingering feeling of inadequacy brings me to that conclusion, but I can't help but go with it. Oh well. I don't have very much time to write, the delicious mooncakes that we bought today are calling for me!

Many thanks to Michael K of Dlisted.com for this image. Your eye for elegance and grace never ceases to impress me.

Monday, September 28, 2009

This is only the beginning.. sort of.

You know, I've tried this before. This really isn't the first time I've attempted to write. In high school, I was constantly Xanga-ing the outrageous drama that filled my teenage years.. and in college-- with the help of my Livejournal, I attempted (unsuccessfully) to chronicle the tragedy that was my love life. My Xanga, along with my LJ stayed with me during my proudest moments.. and were probably the only things constant in my life during the embarrassingly ridiculous ones. They were my outlets. I kept my entries private and compulsively read each entry right after I wrote one. In all of these, I laid it all on the table. They definitely were not literary works of art, but they were truthful and really gave me the chance to showcase all the c.r.a.z.y that was in my head. But even so, after time and many failed attempts to stay up to date.. those blogs died in obscurity. I guess it goes without saying, I can't commit. Sooo, all the reason to start a new one, right?! New leaf, fresh start-- whatever you want to call it. I know they say that old habits die hard, but sometimes.. I can be persistent. I'm gonna keep trying to maintain a steady stream of entries to entertain you, (insert your name) and "me" in the future.

I really have nothing to lose. As of now, I'm unemployed.. living at home and spending most of my time looking for any kind of accounting position. You may be surprised at the fact that I'm unabashedly detailing these not-so-honorable aspects of my life.. but I feel that I should be completely honest with my journal-ing. In a few years, when I read this entry, I would like to know exactly how I was feeling and what exactly was occupying that space between my ears.

It's all about perspective.

So yea, I'm ok with disclosing the "dirty" stuff in this blog, because years from now I'm sure I'd appreciate an honest account of my life rather than a censored/flowery version. I want the truth.. cause I can handle the truth! Ugh.. that was a lot funnier in my head.Anyway, here it goes. You are going to be following me as I find my place in the world of grownups. The world where bills are to be paid on time, where vacations aren't guaranteed every three months and a place where gray hair isn't just for "old people" anymore.

With all that said, wish me luck!

Bisous !